



NASA's Hubble Space Telescope image captures the chaotic activity atop a three-light-year-tall pillar of gas and dust that is being eaten away by the brilliant light from nearby bright stars. The pillar is also being assaulted from within, as infant stars buried inside it fire off jets of gas that can be seen streaming from towering peaks. This turbulent cosmic pinnacle lies within a tempestuous stellar nursery called the Carina Nebula, located 7,500 light-years away in the southern constellation Carina. The image celebrates the 20th anniversary of Hubble's launch and deployment into an orbit around Earth. Hubble was launched April 24, 1990


图片来源:AP / NASA

This image provided by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope shows rilliant blue stars wreathed by warm, glowing clouds. The festive portrait is the most detailed view of a young stellar grouping, called R136 in the 30 Doradus Nebula


图片来源: AP / NASA

The Hidden Fires of the Flame Nebula captured by the Hubble Space Telescope

3.2009年12月公布的这张图像展示了猎户星座火焰星云(NGC 2024)内隐藏的火焰。这张以红外线拍摄的视图中,显示了该物质中心一簇非常年轻的恒星。

图片来源: PA / NASA

This image provided by NASA in November 2009 combines observations from Hubble, Spitzer and Chandra X-ray Observatory to produce an unprecedented image of the central region of our Milky Way galaxy using infrared light and X-ray light to see through the obscuring dust and reveal the intense activity near the galactic core


图片来源:AP / NASA

An image from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope shows the most detailed view of star birth in the nearby spiral galaxy M83, nicknamed the Southern Pinwheel


图片来源: NASA

This image released in September 2009, taken by the refurbished Hubble Space Telescope, shows a celestial object that looks like a delicate butterfly


图片来源:AP / NASA

This image, released in September 2009 and taken by the refurbished Hubble Space Telescope, shows a clash among members of a famous galaxy quintet revealing an assortment of stars across a wide colour range, from young, blue stars to aging, red stars


图片来源:AP / NASA

This image reveals a small region inside the massive globular cluster Omega Centauri, which boasts nearly 10 million stars


图片来源; NASA

Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 photographed this image of planetary nebula K 4-55 as its final image shortly before it was decommissioned. The iamge was released by NASA in May 2009. The colours represent the make-up of the various emission clouds in the nebula: red represents nitrogen, green represents hydrogen, and blue represents oxygen. K 4-55 is nearly 4,600 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus



This false-colour composite image provided by NASA in April 2009 shows the Cartwheel galaxy as seen by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer's Far Ultraviolet detector (blue); the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field and Planetary Camera-2 in B-band visible light (green); the Spitzer Space Telescope's Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) at 8 microns (red); and the Chandra X-ray Observatory's Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer-S array instrument (purple)


图片来源: AP / NASA

This infrared image of the centre of our Milky Way galaxy combines the sharp imaging of the Hubble Space Telescope's Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) with colour imagery from a previous Spitzer Space Telescope survey



composite of archival Hubble data taken with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 and the Advanced Camera for Surveys. Like a whirl of shiny flakes sparkling in a snow globe, Hubble caught this glimpse of many hundreds of thousands of stars moving about in t


图片来源: AFP / NASA / ESA

This photo, released in August 2008 to commemorate Hubble's 100,000th orbit around the Earth in its 18th year of exploration shows a small portion of the nebula near the star cluster NGC 2074. The region is a firestorm of raw stellar creation, perhaps triggered by a nearby supernova explosion. It lies about 170,000 light-years away near the Tarantula nebula, one of the most active star-forming regions in our local group of galaxies. In this representative colour image, red shows emission from sulphur atoms, green from glowing hydrogen, and blue from glowing oxygen

13.2008年8月,为纪念哈勃在十八年探索中第十万次环绕地球而公布的图像,显示了NGC 2074星云附近的一小部分星云。这是原始恒星风暴形成区,也许由附近的近超新星爆炸触发。它位于约170000光年外我们本星系群最活跃的恒星形成区之一蜘蛛星云附近。在这张具代表性的彩色图像中,红色显示的是硫磺原子的喷射;红色来自发光的氢气;蓝色来自发淘氧气。

图片来源: AP / NASA

This Hubble Space Telescope composite image released in May 2007 shows a ghostly ring of dark matter in the galaxy cluster ZwCl0024+1652. In this image, a map showing how the gravity of the cluster distorts light from other galaxies is superimposed on a 2003 Hubble image of the cluster. The image is one of the strongest pieces of evidence to date for the existence of dark matter, an unknown substance that pervades the Universe



This image released in February 2007 shows the 'last hurrah' of a star like our Sun. The star is ending its life by casting off its outer layers of gas, which formed a cocoon around the star's remaining core. Ultraviolet light from the dying star then makes the material glow. The burned-out star, called a white dwarf, appears as a white dot in the centre. Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 captured this image of planetary nebula NGC 2440 on February 6, 2007

15.2007年2月公布。这张图像显示了类似我们太阳的一颗恒星的“最后努力”。它通过摆脱环绕星体残留内核形成茧的外层气体,结束了自己的生命。随后,这颗渐渐消亡的恒星散发出的紫外线使该物质发光。这颗烧毁的恒星被称为白矮星,在中心以白点的形像显现。2007年2月6日,哈勃的广角行星照相机2捕捉到这张行星状星云NGC 2440的图像。


This image released in February 2006 shows Messier 101, the gigantic Pinwheel galaxy, one of the best known examples of grand design spirals. The giant disk of stars, dust and gas is 170,000 light-years across or nearly twice the diameter of our Milky Way. The galaxy lies in the northern circumpolar constellation, Ursa Major (The Great Bear) at a distance of 25 million light years from Earth


图片来源: NASA

The Orion Nebula appears in a Hubble image released in January 2006. The image shows more than 3,000 stars and was formed by astronomers using more than 520 Hubble images


图片来源:EPA / NASA

This Hubble image released in April 2005 shows the spiral galaxy M51, also known as the Whirlpool Galaxy, and its companion galaxy


图片来源: NASA

The Tarantula Nebula is the most vigorous star forming region known in the local Universe. Using the power of the freely available ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator package a young amateur astronomer created this panorama of the centre of the Tarantula in December 2004. The original image was taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope

19.“蜘蛛星云”是宇宙中著名的最活跃恒星形成区。2004年12月,一位的业余天文爱好者利用可自由获得的由欧洲航天局、欧洲南方天文台和美国宇航局联合开发的图像制作软件包 FITS Liberator的威力,创作了蜘蛛星云中心的全景镜头。原图像由哈勃太空望远镜拍摄。

图片来源:NASA / ESA

The Cat's Eye Nebula, one of the first planetary nebulae discovered, also has one of the most complex forms known to this kind of nebula. Eleven rings, or shells, of gas make up the Cat's Eye. It was discovered by William Herschel on February 15, 1786. This Hubble image was released in September 2004


图片来源: NASA

This image released by NASA in March 2004, shows spirals of dust swirling across trillions of kilometres of interstellar space. The image shows an expanding halo of light around a distant star, named V838 Monocerotis (V838 Mon). V838 Mon is located about 20,000 light-years away from Earth in the direction of the constellation Monoceros, placing the star at the outer edge of our Milky Way galaxy

21.2004年公布。这张图像显示的是旋转着跨越数万亿公里星际空间的尘埃螺旋。图像展示了环绕遥远的恒星麒麟座V838(V838 Mon)扩大的光环。V838 Mon位于麒麟星座方向、距地球约20000光年的地方,在我们的银河系边缘。

图片来源: AFP / NASA

In October 2003 Hubble trained its razor-sharp eye on one of the universe's most photogenic galaxies, the Sombrero galaxy, Messier 104 (M104). The galaxy's hallmark is a brilliant white, bulbous core encircled by the thick dust lanes comprising the spiral structure of the galaxy. As seen from Earth, the galaxy is tilted nearly edge-on. We view it from just six degrees north of its equatorial plane. This galaxy was named the Sombrero because of its resemblance to the broad rim and high-topped Mexican hat


图片来源: NASA

The delicate filaments in this image from Hubble released in July 2003 are sheets of debris from a stellar explosion in a neighbouring galaxy. Hubble's target was a supernova remnant, denoted LMC N 49, within the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby, small companion galaxy to the Milky Way visible from the southern hemisphere

23. 2003年7月公布。这张图像中的精美细丝是来自附近星系恒星爆炸产生的残骸碎片。哈勃的目标是超新星残骸,指从南半球看得见的银河系附近一个小伙伴星系,大麦哲伦星云内的LMC N 49。

图片来源:AP / NASA

This image captures a small region within M17, also known as the Omega or Swan Nebula. It is located about 5,500 light-years from Earth in the constellation Sagittarius. The image was released in April 2003 to commemorate the 13th anniversary of Hubble's launch



In April 2002 Hubble Space Telescope's new Advanced Camera for Surveys took this picture of the Cone Nebula, M17, an H II region in the constellation of Monoceros. It was discovered by William Herschel on December 26, 1785, and is located 2,600 light-years away from Earth

25.2002年4月,哈勃太空望远镜的新先进巡天照相机拍到这张锥形星云,M17麒麟座内的H II区域。1785年12月26日,威廉·赫歇尔发现了距地球2600光年的M17。


Interstellar 'twisters' appear in the hourglass region of the Lagoon Nebula, 5,000 light years from Earth in the region of the constellation Sagittarius in this Hubble image released in January 1997


图片来源: NASA

This dark structure is a column of cool molecular hydrogen gas and dust that is an incubator for new stars. The stars are embedded inside finger-like protrusions extending from the top of the nebula. Each 'fingertip' is somewhat larger than our own solar system. The pillar is slowly eroding away by the ultraviolet light from nearby hot stars, a process called 'photoevaporation'. As it does, small globules of especially dense gas buried within the cloud is uncovered. These globules have been dubbed 'EGGs' an acronym for 'Evaporating Gaseous Globules'. The shadows of the EGGs protect gas behind them, resulting in the finger-like structures at the top of the cloud. The stellar EGGS are found, appropriately enough, in the 'Eagle Nebula' (also called M16 - the 16th object in Charles Messier's 18th century catalog of 'fuzzy' permanent objects in the sky), a nearby star-forming region 6,500 light-years away in the constellation Serpens. The picture was taken on in April 1995 with the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2

27.黑色结构是由氢气分子和尘埃组成的一个圆柱,是新星孵化器。嵌入手指似的突出物内的星星由星云顶部伸展出来。其中每个“指尖”都比我们自己的太阳系略大一些。圆柱慢慢地被附近炎热的星星散发出的紫外线侵蚀——一种被称为“光蒸发”的过程。这时,露出埋在云内的特密气体球。这些小球被授予“EGGs”之名——“Evaporating Gaseous Globules”(蒸发气态球)的首字母缩写。EGGs的阴影保护了它们后面的气体,结果形成云顶的指状结构。在巨蛇座6500光年外的恒星形成区附近“鹰状星云”(亦称M16——在查尔斯·梅西尔的十八世纪空中“模糊”永久物质分类中的第十六个物质)发现了相当多的星球“EGGs”。1995年4月,哈勃太空望远镜的广角和行星照相机2拍摄到这张图片。

